Uz sākumu > Jaunumi un notikumi > WIDEN konsultē par Swiss Steel Group iegādi

WIDEN konsultē par Swiss Steel Group iegādi
31 janvāris, 2024 jaunumos

WIDEN advised Jacquet Metals of France on acquiring Swiss Steel Group OÜ, an Estonian company active in selling steel products. This was a cross-border M&A transaction whereby Jacquet Metals acquired, in addition to the Estonian company, companies belonging to the same group in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

Jacquet Metals is a European leader in distributing special metals, while Swiss Steel Group is another leading global provider of specialty steel solutions. WIDEN performed legal due diligence and prepared and coordinated transfer documents. Our team was additionally entrusted to lead and coordinate the processes of related corporate amendments in the Baltic States.

Our legal team included partner Kristi Sild and attorney Martin Nikolajev from Estonia, our Lithuanian colleagues Džiuginta Balčiūnė, Jolanta Borko and Lina Šikšniūtė-Vaitiekūnienė, and Latvian colleagues Liene Pommere and Anna Losane. At the European level, the process was led by Albéric Duhamel-Delattre and Pierre Deval Veil Jourde from France.

vadošie pārstāvji

Dziuginta Balciune
Džiuginta Balčiūnė
portrait image
Kristi Sild
Lina Vaitiekuniene
Lina Šikšniutė-Vaitiekūnienė
Jolanta Borko
Jolanta Borko
Zvērināta advokāte
Martin Nikolajev
Martin Nikolajev
Zvērināta advokāta palīgs


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Mēs esam WIDEN - pilna servisa advokātu birojs Baltijā, kas sniedz juridiskās konsultācijas, pievēršot uzmanību katra klienta individuālajai pieredzei. Tas nozīmē, ka mēs koncentrējamies uz klientu — sniedzam praktiskas konsultācijas un runājam ar jums biznesa valodā.

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