Uz sākumu > Jaunumi un notikumi > Attorney Kaisa-Maria Kubpart lectured on the principle of equal treatment

Kaisa-Maria Kubpart lectured on the principle of equal treatment
6 marts, 2024 jaunumos

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Our attorney Kaisa-Maria Kubpart conducted training for the Northern regional council of the Estonian Nurses Association. The topic was the principle of equal treatment, as outlined by our constitution, the Employment Contracts Act, the Equal Treatment Act, and the Gender Equality Act. Kaisa-Maria adapted it to the context of healthcare service provision and discussed how equal treatment (preventing discrimination, workplace bullying, and unfair treatment) should be applied in employment relationships, among colleagues, and with patients.

Since equal treatment must be considered in various work activities and operations, topics covered included:
– Servicing a non-native-speaking patient;
– Cooperation with non-native-speaking (Russian/Ukrainian) nurses;
– Responsibility;
– Vacations, work schedules, and job assignments – equal treatment in their provision/organization/distribution;
– Equal treatment in hiring and promotion.

vadošie pārstāvji

Kaisa MariaKubpartb
Kaisa-Maria Kubpart
Zvērināta advokāte


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