Uz sākumu > Jaunumi un notikumi > WIDEN was ranked in the “Chambers FinTech Guide 2024“

WIDEN was ranked in the "Chambers FinTech Guide 2024“
5 decembris, 2023 jaunumos

ILAW LEXTAL (the former name of now WIDEN) has been included in the latest “Chambers and Partners” guide – “Chambers FinTech Guide 2024.”

ILAW LEXTAL partner Aušra Brazauskienė, the practice group leader in Lithuania, was ranked among the top Lithuanian experts in the “Band 3” category. Clients praise Aušra for her “excellent knowledge of FinTech, banking, and financial regulation.”

The Lithuanian practice group’s ability to smoothly handle complex situations was also recognized. Clients stated, “Their impressive combination of technical knowledge and legal skills in addressing complex issues is remarkable.”

vadošie pārstāvji

Aušra Brazauskienė


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WIDEN was ranked in the "Chambers FinTech Guide 2024“