Uz sākumu > Jaunumi un notikumi > M&A attorneys of WIDEN advised the sellers of AS ESRO to Gren Eesti

WIDEN konsultē sellers on the sale of Viljandi heat producer to Gren Eesti
19 decembris, 2024

WIDEN advised the sellers on the sale of shares in Viljandi heat producer AS ESRO to Gren Eesti.

ESRO AS (now renamed to Gren Viljandi AS) is an energy company active in the production, distribution and sale of thermal energy in the city of Viljandi and the village of Jämejala. Gren is an energy producer and supplier active in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania and the United Kingdom. In Estonia, Gren operates in Tartu, Pärnu, Viljandi and the Ida-Viru County areas of Jõhvi, Kohtla-Järve, and Ahtme.

WIDEN assisted the sellers in negotiating and entering to the share purchase agreement. Our team was led by partner Ants Karu. The team included partner Kristi Sild and attorney Martin Nikolajev.

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vadošie pārstāvji

Ants Karuv
Ants Karu
portrait image
Kristi Sild
Martin Nikolajev
Martin Nikolajev
Zvērināta advokāta palīgs


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Mēs esam WIDEN - pilna servisa advokātu birojs Baltijā, kas sniedz juridiskās konsultācijas, pievēršot uzmanību katra klienta individuālajai pieredzei. Tas nozīmē, ka mēs koncentrējamies uz klientu — sniedzam praktiskas konsultācijas un runājam ar jums biznesa valodā.

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