Avaleht > Uudised ja üritused > Piiriülese maksejõuetuse põhimõtted ja praktika

Principles and Practice of Cross-Border Insolvency
veebruar 28, 2024 Uudised

Janis Esenvalds an administrator of insolvency proceedings, a sworn advocate and a partner of Law office RER Lextal, has been invited to participate as one of the study leaders and lecturers besides judges Pete Neitj (Netherlands) and Eberhard Nietzer (Germany).

The learning objective is for the participants to develop competence in cross-border insolvency proceedings and to improve the ability to apply the regulation in practice. During the training, participants are introduced to the regulations and practical use of cross-border insolvency proceedings, engaged in resolving practical case examples, and are invited to reflect on the challenges posed by Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015. No. 2015/848.

As of January 22, 2021, the lecture course “Principles and Practice of Cross-Border Insolvency” takes place. The course is organized by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as well as the European Commission within the project “Support for Debt Restructuring in Latvia” financed by the European Commission Structural Reform Support Program.

Lectures during the course continue throughout February and March 2021. Professionals of the field (judges, lawyers, administrators, etc.) have the opportunity to apply for participation in the upcoming lectures.

meeskonna peamised liikmed

Janis Esenvalds
Jānis Ešenvalds


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Me oleme WIDEN - täisteenus Balti advokaadibüroo, mille au ja uhkus on pakkuda õigusabi, mille keskmes on fookus kliendikogemusele. See tähendab, et me oleme kliendikesksed ning näeme südikalt vaeva, et meie nõu jõuaks kliendile ärilisest ning elulisest vaatenurgast ning mitte pelgalt juriidlilises šargoonis.

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