WIDEN Latvia offers comprehensive legal support to clients and construction contractors across various aspects of the construction industry. Through our extensive experience, we’ve identified common challenges that contractors frequently encounter when executing their construction contract.
Our guide is designed to be a practical resource, whether you’re preparing to finalize a new construction contract or seeking clarity on issues related to an existing on.
In this guide, the term “construction work” (or “construction”) is used as defined in the Construction Law. Per Section 1(2) of the Construction Law, construction work involves activities on a construction site or within a building aimed at creating, installing, rebuilding, restoring, renovating, mothballing, demolishing a structure, or installing utility line.
Please note that the views expressed by WIDEN Latvia in this manual do not constitute official or binding legal interpretations and may become outdated as laws, regulations, or case law evolve.
Me oleme WIDEN - täisteenus Balti advokaadibüroo, mille au ja uhkus on pakkuda õigusabi, mille keskmes on fookus kliendikogemusele. See tähendab, et me oleme kliendikesksed ning näeme südikalt vaeva, et meie nõu jõuaks kliendile ärilisest ning elulisest vaatenurgast ning mitte pelgalt juriidlilises šargoonis.
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