Pradinis > Naujienos ir įvykiai > Riga Regional Court decides to terminate a proceeding for criminally acquired property

Riga Regional Court decides to terminate a proceeding for criminally acquired property
6 vasario, 2024

On 1 February 2024, the Riga Regional Court adopted a decision to terminate the proceeding for criminally acquired property. With the conclusion of the proceeding for criminally acquired property, WIDEN Latvia client funds, which amount to almost EUR 250 000, will not be confiscated for the benefit of the State.

In its decision, Riga Regional Court stated: “The Court Panel finds that the Court was justified in concluding that there is no evidence whatsoever to support even one version of the predicate offence, therefore the person in charge of the proceedings shall prove by circumstantial evidence that the seized funds are likely to have criminal origin, i.e., the possibility that the seized funds have legal origin shall be excluded by evidence.”

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Mes esame WIDEN – verslo teisės advokatų kontora, teikianti visą teisinių paslaugų spektrą Baltijos šalyse bei kurianti geriausią galimą patirtį savo klientams. Daugiausia dėmesio būtent jiems ir skiriame – užtikriname, jog mūsų konsultacijos atlieptų visus klientų verslo poreikius.

