Pradinis > Naujienos ir įvykiai > Historical Finnish court ruling concerning platform workers

Historical Finnish court ruling over platform workers
27 vasario, 2024 Naujienos

The historical court ruling, which classified couriers operating in Finland for Wolt as entrepreneurs, brings up again the question of how courier activities could be classified in Estonia.

Attorney Kaisa-Maria Kubpart wrote on the pages of Delfi Business, which features of the employment relationship under Finnish law were considered in making the historic decision and what should be looked at in Estonia if one would compare the two legal systems. Kaisa-Maria explained that in defining an employment relationship, among other things, the courier’s freedom to choose when they work and how much they have to comply with the company’s management and control plays a key role. There’s also an interesting difference between Estonia and Finland – for example, in Finland, couriers are allowed to delegate their duties to others.

You can read more about the court decision and its impact through the link.

pagrindiniai komandos nariai

Kaisa MariaKubpartb
Kaisa-Maria Kubpart


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