Meet Kaie, our HR specialist and support services manager. Kaie has more than seven years of experience as an assistant in various law firms. Currently, she obtained her master’s degree in HR management and her main mission at WIDEN is to develop the firm’s HR policies so that everyone has a good time working there. Kaie also ensures that the support services are coordinated and run smoothly.
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DIY projekti
2023 WIDEN, Support Services Manager, HR Specialist
2022. – 2023. g. WIDEN cilvēkresursu speciāliste
2017 - 2022 WIDEN, asistente
2015. – 2016. g. juristu birojs Lillo & Partnerid, asistente
2019. g. Tal Tech, Tallinas Tehnoloģiju universitāte, maģistra grāds cilvēkresursu valdībā
2016. – 2019. g. Tallinas Universitāte, bakalaura grāds publiskās un uzņēmējdarbības vadībā
2014. – 2016. g. Tallinas Ekonomikas skola, profesionālo apmācību 5. līmenis, jurista palīgs