Uz sākumu > Komanda > Nerijus Jurkus

Nerijus Jurkus

Associate Partner, Attorney at Law
PAR Nerijus

Meet Nerijus Jurkus, an Associate Partner, Attorney at law with more than 20 years of experience in legal practice.

Nerijus specializes in transport and logistics, customs procedures and taxation, real estate and infrastructure, energy and utilities, environment and insurance. He advises corporate clients and institutions, represents them in transactions and litigation, and participates in due diligence processes.

His expertise also includes commercial and contract law, corporate law, public procurement, family and inheritance law and dispute resolution. Nerijus assists clients with legal issues of importance to both the business and the regulatory environment, ensuring a smooth process and efficient solutions.

Throughout his career, Nerijus has been involved in significant legal projects, contributed to the implementation of complex transactions and successfully represented clients in disputes. Nerijus’ broad range of practice allows him to offer strategically sound solutions that ensure maximum protection of his clients’ interests.

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