Uz sākumu > Komanda > Vitalija Uzialaitė

Vitalija Uzialaitė

Legal Advisor
PAR Vitalija

Meet Vitalija Uzialaitė, a Legal Advisor specialising in sustainability (ESG), which encompasses environmental protection, social responsibility and governance, as well as providing strategic advice on these issues.

During more than 20 years of professional experience, Vitalija has worked for a state-owned group of companies, where she gained in-depth knowledge in the areas of finance, infrastructure, public asset management, regulated activities, transformation and change management, governance and regulatory compliance. She has an excellent understanding of the strategies, processes and responsibilities of organisations from within.

Vitalija’s goal is to assess the specificities of each organisation and to apply the principles of regulation rationally, going beyond the literal compliance with formal requirements. She believes it is important to strike a balance between the regulatory environment and the burdens placed on the business in order to achieve long-term and resilient business goals and results.

Among other things, it is important for Vitalija to keep up-to-date and develop her knowledge. She participates in conferences where she gives presentations on legal requirements, legislative and regulatory aspects of sustainability.

Vitalija’s credo: “Our actions and behaviour reflect our values.”

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