Марге Мяннико

Partner, Head of Real Estate and Construction, Attorney at law
Marge Manniko


О Marge

Meet Marge, a dedicated legal professional with a strong background in real estate and construction, transaction and company law. Having more than 20 years of experience, she provides valuable counsel and guidance to entrepreneurs seeking expertise in real estate transactions, including commercial, industrial and residential properties. Moreover, Marge facilitates large-scale designing, building and development contract drafting, ensuring smooth and efficient processes for all parties involved.

Cases &


AS Solbritt’s restructuring plan was approved unanimously

Законодательство о неплатежеспособности и реструктуризации / Разрешения споров и арбитраж
AS Solbritt’s restructuring plan was approved unanimously
AS Solbritt filed for reorganisation last year, and the procedure started on Oct...
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New WIDEN Legal is set to become the leading law firm in the Baltics

people checking the view from Widen office
As of today, WIDEN Legal expands to Latvia and Lithuania as a member of the new ...
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WIDEN on Eesti üks atraktiivsemaid tööandjaid õigusteaduse tudengite seas

Недвижимость и строительство / Защита и расследование преступлений, связанных с «белыми воротничками» / Публичное право и нормативные акты / IT, интеллектуальная собственность, защита данных / Разрешения споров и арбитраж / Банковское дело, финансы и рынки капиталов
WIDEN valiti Eesti üheks atraktiivseimaks tööandjaks õigustudengite seas......
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Марге Мяннико

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