Our International Private Law team, comprising skilled legal professionals, delivers precise and comprehensive advice, ensuring our clients are effectively supported in cross-border legal matters. We are particularly well-equipped due to our extensive international connections. With access to a solid global network of legal advisors, we offer prompt guidance irrespective of the foreign jurisdiction in question.
We collaborate closely with attorneys specialised in specific sectors or practices in our firm and partner firms globally when multiple legal systems are at play. Our core areas of expertise include representing clients in cross-border legal disputes, facilitating business engagements and contracts between Baltic entities and overseas, supporting clients upon breaches of contract in foreign legal systems, assisting local companies in branching out to other countries or in the acquisition of foreign company interests and advising on foreign investments in the Baltics and assisting Baltic entities with overseas investments.
The close-knit nature of our practice assures that our clients receive personal attention, ensuring that their unique challenges and aspirations are understood. We don’t just interpret the law, we work to understand the underlying business drivers and the broader context in which our clients operate.
International Private Law
Our client-centric approach, combined with our deep-rooted expertise in international private law ensures that we offer more than just legal advice – we provide strategic guidance that aligns with our clients’ international business objectives.
for International Private Law